the best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud {free music} for all to hear...

tree is up... egg nog carton #1 is in the fridge (gonna try to limit this christmas season to 3 cartons)... Christmas time is here!  And added bonus this year I have sweet SWEET baby M instead of some lingering morning sickness and anxiety over sharing our pregnancy news.  

Man, I love me some NOG!  (I've blogged about it Here & Here).  I was slipping it into my coffee long before starbucks and I hold fast to the truth that it IS a NEGATIVE calorie food!  I don't like it with any additives -- just pure thick yummy heavenly straight from the carton into my tummy tum tum!

...(i seriously just got up, went to the fridge, slurped some egg nog goodness... but i'm back now)...

Okay, as I wipe my nog-stache I've got some holiday cheer to spread -- some FREE music!  Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors are giving away their popular Neighborly Chistmas album -- yes, the whole thing!  Just click HERE (you can leave a "tip" if you want to, but it really is free!).  If my opinion means anything to you... i think you will LOVE this album -- it's got some serious cheer!

Happy Friday!
{linking up today with instafriday}


  1. so...
    You kinda got me wanting and loving EGGNOG!
    And I don't even care that much for it. I'm picky with my nog I guess.


  2. ahh! i love that album. i'm totally listening to it this morning and even blogged about 'hard the herald angels sing' yesterday :) great album and even better since it was free!!!

  3. I haven't found egg nog yet here in Singapore! Last year I only found one carton; by the time I finished it and went back to the store they were all out for the season. Maybe I should buy a few all at once and try REALLY hard to make them last.

  4. Thanks for the music share. Have a fabulous weekend!

  5. Such an exciting time with a new baby! I'm excited for our first Christmas with our son as well. Enjoy :)

  6. said 'nog-stache'


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