My Cliffnotes, #thesamepage week 1
Hi everyone! Welcome to the first #thesamepage link up! If you are new here, we're going through Grace for the Good Girl
by Emily Freeman and today's focus area covers the introduction and chapter one. If you aren't reading along, still feel free to stay a while and check out the other links. We're reading the same book, but this is more about growing a community and sharing our stories.
About me (its about to get real here people):
I like to preform. I like to please people. I get a nagging sinking feeling in my stomach when I know I have disappointed someone. The worst thing anybody could ever say to me when I was growing up was "you're annoying." I like to fix things. Well, more like fix people. Cue Vanilla Ice - if there is a problem yo' I'll solve it. Or at least fake like I can. I absorb emotions. I am a classic extrovert. Want and need people, but have a short attention span and oversized need to be heard.
High school me: I never went to (nor was invited to) a party where there was alcohol. I did go to a party once where people were smoking clove cigarettes and called my mom to come pick me up because I was so nervous.
I had a boyfriend for two years. Sleeping with him was never an option that even crossed my mind. I behaved. I kept curfew. My biggest offenses at home were not cleaning my room and smarting off (and sorry mom & dad -- I did smart off way too much. i thought I knew it all).
I didn't excel in a particular sport or academic area. I preferred the social scene and racking up leadership roles. The president of this the vice president of that. Mostly I just had these titles on paper. As Key club president all I did was buy a tiara for basketball homecoming and get my picture in the year book. But man. Did I think it was important.
I sobbed for a week my senior year after 9/11. And several scattered time over the following months. And it made no sense to me.
My principal got arrested (loooong story) shortly before graduation. The very first thought that went through my head was "I hope whoever replaces him knows that I was supposed to get the leadership award." Nice, right?
Every youth Sunday I would talk in front of the church and give the "sermon." I wanted to make sure everyone knew I even had faith figured out. I always asked questions and took whatever answer someone gave me as the truth. I was the rocky soil. The seeds would get planted, but no roots could grow.
I thought I was the absolute shiz-nit! Little miss suzy-sunday-school-goody-two-shoes. Job well done. Look at me, cause I'm awesome. I picked a small college so I could be a "big fish in a little pond." I literaly said that during my search.
College me: Long story short. I got to college and found myself in the middle of a tired and broken mess. I had spread myself too thin joining every club I could and staying up too late making sure I never missed a thing. To make matters worse a youth leader growing up told me that God never wanted us to feel broken. He just wants us to be whole. She failed to acknowledge that the process of becoming holy (sanctification) definitely requires brokenness -- making the old things new! So there I was -- being broken and totally scared of it because I thought it was wrong. I look back and it is one of my most favorite life memories. God was changing my heart and breaking my "me me me" identity and giving me His. forward...
(i'm skipping a lot of good stuff here, but I don't want to keep you here all day) forward...
(i'm skipping a lot of good stuff here, but I don't want to keep you here all day)
Today me: I don't have it all figured out. There is so much rest in that! I daily wrestle with God in a battle over my identity. But there is joy in the wrestle. It's grace and this "good girl" needs it!
If you are reading along, link up this weeks posts below and use #thesamepage on twitter/instagram to share what you're learning.
Next Link Up:
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving so we'll have a special "thankful" link-up party! All are welcome to join (even if you aren't reading along). Then the following week (11/28) we'll continue reading together. So next week, prepare a post about what your thankful for and come link up! (I'll be preparing a post in advance so i can just set it to post and spend time with family).
On the 28th we'll link up focusing on chapters 2-5. Hopefully this extra week will give everyone a chance to jump in and catch up. So if you haven't grabbed a book
, its not too late.
{i'm also linking up today w/ @thehollierogue #tellyourstory}
{i'm also linking up today w/ @thehollierogue #tellyourstory}

there is something comforting in the honesty of your words tonight. pulling apart your life into different stages makes me feel not so alone. in a good way. we all have trials, and learning periods. and it's good to know we all have grace periods too. Times to grow, and pause, and relect. And be changed.
ReplyDeletethank you for this beautiful link up. i can't wait for others to link up as well.
girl. thank you for your comment. tried to find your blog/email address but your blogger account doesn't link to anywhere. i hope you'll pick up a copy of the book. i think you will really enjoy it. your comment was such an encouragement to me. thank you.
DeleteI love this post, Blair - what a great reflection. It's so nice to finally arrive at the place where we can acknowledge we aren't even close to having it all figured out - and that's the beauty of it. xoxo Nat
ReplyDeleteyou are one of my favorite things about high school!!
DeleteNatalie - yes. it is a much easier place to be in, than to feel like you have to hold all the strings together, all the time. i love the grace of letting God figure me out along the way.
DeleteBlair - thanks for such an honest post. my high school self really connects with your high school self.
I relate so very mu8ch! This book is great for us good girls! My hish school self would have loved hanging out with your high school self by the way! :)
ReplyDeletewow, are you sure you didn't accidentally write this about me? :) i have such a similar story and need to get the book ASAP. thank you for being such a bright spot!
Hey Hey! I'm a day late, but better late than never.
ReplyDeleteIt's fun to read about other people's lives and walks with God.If we're open to each other's stories, one of two things happens. Either you relate and say, "Yes, me too!" or you say,"Wow, I never saw it that way." It's amazing how God works those same themes of brokeness, redemption, and emptying of self in a million different ways. I was definitely not a good girl. Not even a little bit unsure of my sin and brokeness. I knew I was damaged but those same themes are universal in anyone's life who truly wants to serve and love God. We all have to come to that place and I love that we can see His glory working throughout our lives in each individual's circumstances. This was fun, to get to know you, even if it is the cliffnotes version. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a life healing book. I went through the study with Emily over the summer. Then unread it again. And again. I'm looking forward to reading it in this community.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and for co-hosting this book club! It's such an encouragement to hear from other women who share some of the same struggles!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteYour story resonates with mine.