
My mother tells me stories (and I have my own memories of this too) about how when I was little I would tell her that I wasn't a baby from this world, but that I was an alien.  It wasn't just once or twice that I made this remark, but a handful of different times.  This was sometime around age 4.  Silly, cute, sweet little me.  But maybe it wasn't silly, maybe it was an inkling of truth that I didn't yet know.

me in blue.

If I find in myself desires that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable answer is that we were made for another world. -- c.s. lewis
I am a sojourner on this earth... psalm 119:19
But our citizenship is in heaven... philippians 3:20
you are not of the world... john 15:9

So if today you feel out of place, rest in and rejoice that you are!  You too, are an alien.


  1. Ha! So cute that you were so self-aware at such a young age. And so freakin cute!

  2. Oh my word, I love this so much!!! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Aww super adorable! I love those little outfits!

  4. Great message and something that I have always been encouraged to hold on to when I feel out-of-place. Thanks for the reminder--

    And hello, Cutie! I love that photo of you.

  5. Yes. Such a good reminder when nothing seems quite right. This is not our home!

  6. Yes! We were made for another place! Thank goodness - ha!!!


  7. HA!! I am so glad you linked this up with His Voice, SO GLAD!!


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