How far along?: 18 weeks today!
How big is baby?: The size of a sweet potato! (for a good recipe click HERE)
Weight gain/loss?: +3 lbs (although I feel the bump appears to weigh at least 10 extra)
Stretch marks?: do the ones I got during puberty count?
Maternity clothes?: I can “fit” some pre-preggers pants, but am more comfortable in maternity pants (although they are still a bit big and I have to pull them up all the time). I’ve bought a few new shirts, most of which are not maternity, but today’s styles allow for some extra belly room which makes me happy!
Sleep?: Pretty okay. Heartburn has begun, which woke me up the other night with small concern that I was having a heart attack!
Food cravings?: I don’t really have cravings… but my go to foods (if I can’t find something I feel like eating) are cereal & peanut butter toast.
Gender?: hoping to find out Valentines Day!!!
Movement?: not 100% sure… no?
Belly button?: I think it might be getting a little wider?
What do you miss?: I would like to go out for sushi and a beer.
What are you looking forward to this week?: hopefully getting to jog outside again!



  1. Still looking adorable and I love your new list...and how you linked to a sweet potato recipe! Too cute!!!

    Liesl :)

  2. Your baby bump is adorable! Isn't it crazy to think that in 22 weeks (give or take), you will have another actual human? That your body did that?? God it amazing! :-)

  3. Such an exciting time Blair! That first kick is magical... you'll know! xo

  4. AHH, I'm so excited for you!!!

  5. So so so cute!!!! I love that you included another recipe for the size your baby represents! Ha. Love you! <3

  6. Too cute! I'm 18 weeks 3 days now. I have another ultrasound on Friday, I wonder if baby is still a boy now that his parts are bigger and easily visable.

  7. Such a cute baby bump! I love all your answers and I love that you gave a potato recipe. HA!

  8. you are soo cute!! what a fun vday present to find out the gender!!

  9. You have such a precious bump :)

  10. You look so cute! Can't wait to hear the gender!

  11. So cute! I love how your reference a sweet potato recipe, haha.

    You're about 2 weeks behind my sister. She wanted to find out her sex too but the little peanut's legs were curled up too tight!

  12. love happy growing belly shots!

    Know you didn't ask, but I say GIRL!

  13. you are precious! can't wait for valentine's day...boy, girl, boy, girl? who knows?

  14. such a sweet baby (mini) bump! just wait till your belly 'pops'! hope the pregnancy continues to be amazing for you and the lil one :)

  15. these pregnancy posts make me really happy. beautiful shots!

  16. I always love reading these pregnancy posts. It always brings a smile to my face!! =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  17. You are so beautiful! what a miracle you are a part of!

  18. What a sweet little bump! Love these progress updates! :)

  19. Blair you are so incredibly beautiful and I feel honoured to call you a friend. I love your bump and think it suits you just perfectly :) Hope you're having a rad week girlfriend!! xoxo P.S. LOVED your bridesmaid-related FAQ Friday question. So perfect xoxo


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