Getting back into the swing of things...

I'm back! I had such a beautiful and wonderful time. I am still processing everything -- lots of heavy things, but hope to share more over the next week or so. I'm having a whirlwind or a time getting caught up on everything, but I can't wait to make my blog rounds and visit all your lovely worlds. Here are a few pictures from my time in Honduras. Stories to come...

honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010honduras 2010
{more pictures by clicking HERE}

Thanks to all my wonderful guest posters last week. Y'all rock!


  1. so amazing!! welcome back. can't wait to hear all about it!!!

  2. Welcome Back! Def can't wait to hear stories...those kids are adorable. I miss working with kids so much! <333

  3. Welcome back! You had awesome guest posts but I am so happy to see you back here. Awesome photos!

  4. you are such a shining spirit!! i can't wait to hear all about the work you did. the lessons you learned. the people you met!!

  5. Wow. What an incredible experience!
    I got to do mission work in MExico one year and it was life changing.
    Cant wait to hear more!

  6. wow i am very excited to hear more about honduras! mexico has a special place in my heart :) (i know different...but...the pictures reminded me of it :) )

  7. these photos are absolutely precious! thanks for sharing. the kids are all so adorable! i can't wait to hear all your wonderful stories of God working in Honduras! happy unpacking!!

  8. oh my gosh you were the 100th! i should have had some big fan fare planned or something! :)

  9. From the looks of it, the world needs more people like you.

    Thank you so much for being my 200th follower. So cool!

  10. Your photos are wonderful. I'm really looking forward to hearing more about your trip. Good luck recovering and returning to normal life.

  11. these photos are amazing blair!! so captivating. i can't wait to hear stories! bet you are experiencing some major culture shock right now.

  12. Wow beauitful pictures! I'd love to visit Honduras, so many places on my wish list and not enough time!

  13. wow- so glad you went. it'll stay with you forever.

  14. So glad you're back! Love the pictures, and can't WAIT to read more :)

    {ps. make sure you get your chance to be my next featured runner!}

  15. how wonderful. can't wait to hear all about your trip. xo!

  16. I am so glad your trip was memorable and you are back safely. Your pictures are incredible, Blair!

  17. amazing amazing shots! can't even imagine the incredible experiences you went through.


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