Wiggles {double guest post day!}

guest posts
I wiggled on over to two lovely blog worlds today as a guest poster. Check them out...

Shine On featured on Jozen's Lola's Girl

Turn on First Aid Kit, my new fave music of the week(listen HERE), while you visit my guest posts & these other great reads I blog hopped to this week:

{thanks Lil' Bear for the music tip!}

{photos weheartit}


  1. I will go and check your guest posts right now!


    Art by Karena

  2. Wow! You've been a busy bee! I am excited for you and can't wait to check these out.

  3. I just found first aid kit a couple days ago and I love their charming harmonies! I will for sure check out your guest posts. How fun!


  4. The picture of the writing on the hand reminds me of the dancer Doris Humphrey who used to write "I am" on her hands when she performed. <3

  5. thanks, blair, for loving my blog!
    love your guest post!


  6. I loooove your post, Blair!! You said it so much better than I could! xoxo

    Thanks again!

  7. OoooOOohhh I'm flattered :) thanks for the shoutout!

    and I read both your guest posts, (which were awesome, as always) and I confess, I am very very very guilty (gulp) of loving the sun a little too much. Sigh. My husband is a sunscreen nazi though, so I think I'll have no choice but to be better.

    how're your neighbors doing, by the way?

  8. i'm glad you like them... they're playing one of the festivals i'm going to this year, can't wait to see them!
    thanks for the mention on your lovely blog xx

  9. (hey i went to "grab" your button and there's no hyperlink? weird. just thought i'd make you aware!)

  10. great information on your guest blog post at jozens. people really need to be more aware and really need to take care of their skin.

  11. Visiting them right away. Nice blog anyway :D


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