I got a blog lift!

(Its been a rough transition I must admit...)

What I finally settled on was making my own blog background using some digital scrapbook freebies from ShabbyPrincess.com. This site is great and she doesn't mind if you use her stuff on a blog as long as you don't sell anything or have links to something your are selling from your blog.

I found tips on how to make the background using CutestBlogontheBlock & GardenGnome. I widened the text space and everything by messing with the html. (Sorry Em.Geyer- no real advice but trial & error). I'm still working on link colors and what not.

Anywhoo.... not that the Blog Lift comes with promises of better blog content, but I would now like to keep up with my followers! So please jump on board if you ever find yourself checking in...

Its not hard - just look over to the right where it says Followers and click Follow! (you might have to scroll down just a bit). It will prompt you from there!


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