House Hunters?
Possibly my freinds. Possibly! David and I have been "recreationally" searching for the last year. Here and there we'll go look at a house on own, but have never been too serious in our search. Tomorrow morning we are meeting with an awesome realtor, Jeremy Kelton (who has helped 3 people from work and 2 of my best friends find houses recently), to talk about starting our search! Its a great time to buy and we are tired of throwing our money away in rent. I'll keep you posted through out our search. Right now we are really feeling pulled towards East Nashville. We think its just a really neat pocket of the Nashville community - full of diversity, artists, and young families. There are a lot of old houses (1920's cottages) that have been renovated that are really cool. Please be praying for wisdom, fun, and patience for us in this search.
On a completely seperate, but almost as exciting note - Mat Kearney has a new song out! WooHoo!! Listen to it HERE. "Closer to Love."

ahhhhhhhhhh we love matt kearney! man, we have the exact same taste in music! what do yall think of ryan adams recent marriage? crazy huh!!