Life Lately

Obsessed with my family.  Each one of these three magnifies the coolness and beauty of and my love for the other.  This picture is my new phone lock screen.  Makes me smile and reminds me of how blessed I am -- just a snippit of my life, a little peak... What a view! 

Adjusting well to being a mom of two.  We've had some hard days.  When you realize you've been bested (read: dominated) by two tiny little people, it is a very humbling experience.  Dear Self, Pray more.  Whine less.

Having number two you plan on being tired.  But being tired is not something you can plan for.  You can see it coming and acknowledge it.  But tired never feels good, no matter how far ahead in advance you saw it coming.  Rolling with the punches has never been so vital.  Not sweating the small things is of the utmost important.  However, again... throw in being tired, and that small stain on the sofa is instantly a huge thing.  So life at home with two (plus, still finishing projects from our home addition) is a delicate dance.

So thankful that this family loves to dance!


  1. so precious... I can only imagine adjusting.
    enjoy the beauty of the little things that God has given, the rest will fall into place .

  2. what a precious picture! thank you for sharing your heart even if its just bits and pieces :) Have loved this link up. so fun to hear people's lives and hear their stories!

  3. You're doing great! And you unlocked the secret to life: prayer. It's amazing how things just change with it.

  4. Love that picture girl!!! New to this link up and love it. I'm always looking for new family blogs to read :)

  5. I love sweet, sleeping littles all snuggled up.

    "Dear self, Pray more. Whine less."
    I'm a mother of two- a 6 and a nearly 5 year old. And that needs to line needs to be on my heart nearly every second of every day.
    Such a good reminder.

  6. I had my second baby in April, and my oldest is two. So, yes, tired is about right :) But so is the wonderfulness of it all--I suspect it increases exponentially with each child...

  7. hang in there, mama! it gets much more manageable as you start to get some more sleep, big sibling learns that the new baby is staying for good, and you figure out your new rhythm. love you!


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